via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CqrpfF5uBos/ I finally put my measurements into @MyBodyModel for a custom croqui. This is the body I see in the mirror, and finally, on ‘Quelle DΓ©colletage (my dress form, which has been customized to my measurements). ✍π»π I’m really excited to work on ideas with a real idea of proportions- and since I have all of my measurements, courtesy of the moulage** that Mom made for me. ✍π»π You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. ✍π»π #MyBodyModel #bipocknitters #knitting #BIPOCMaker #KnittersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #KnitmoreALong #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #Sewing #SewistsOfInstagram #AndSewOn #Janome #SlowFashion #Sewist ✍π»π **For those playing the “how many times can Gigi say ‘moulage’ game, one point here. ✍π»π [Image Description: A short, shapely croqui on the left, Jasmin’s measurements on the right.]
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