Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Surfacing to show off a finished object, and announce that we’ll be back to recording this weekend. 🪟 (Pattern: Panjereh by @xtinawithwolves, Yarn: @neighborhoodfiberco Studio Sock “Del Rey” and “Park Heights”.) 🪟 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🪟 #bipocknitters #knitting #BIPOCMaker #KnittersOfInstagram #BlackDyersOfInstagran #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #NeighborhoodFiberCo 🪟 [Image description: a striking, freckled and fair-skinned Iranian American woman with fuschia, flamingo pink, and a shock of smiles contentedly. She is wearing an eggplant-colored knitted top with a Persian pastry inspired pattern in shades of gold and saffron. Her makeup matches the colors in the top, and she is wearing deep purple lipstick.]

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CjB0h9iJBwl/ Surfacing to show off a finished object, and announce that we’ll be back to recording this weekend. 🪟 (Pattern: Panjereh by @xtinawithwolves, Yarn: @neighborhoodfiberco Studio Sock “Del Rey” and “Park Heights”.) 🪟 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🪟 #bipocknitters #knitting #BIPOCMaker #KnittersOfInstagram #BlackDyersOfInstagran #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #NeighborhoodFiberCo 🪟 [Image description: a striking, freckled and fair-skinned Iranian American woman with fuschia, flamingo pink, and a shock of smiles contentedly. She is wearing an eggplant-colored knitted top with a Persian pastry inspired pattern in shades of gold and saffron. Her makeup matches the colors in the top, and she is wearing deep purple lipstick.]

#MobileMarketing for the #YesOnR bond measure for @unionschooldistrict #USDLearns to line break

via Instagram #MobileMarketing for the #YesOnR bond measure for @unionschooldistrict #USDLearns https://instagr.am/p/CjBJwudJZ3J/

Sunday, September 25, 2022

I found out on Friday about the protests that have been going on in Iran. 🇮🇷🦁 These protests are the direct result of the assault that led to the death of 22 year old Mahsa Amini. 🇮🇷🦁 Because I know folx will be asking: we haven’t spoken to any of our family there; so for the time being we are assuming that no news (from them) is good news. 🇮🇷🦁 We will be sending out a post (via our Substack) about it later this week, but here are some excellent resources with what you can do today, tomorrow, and in the future: @ninaansary @nazaninboniadi @saharsanjar (I’ll be posting more in our stories as I come across them.) 🇮🇷 🦁 #FreeIran #MahsaAmini #IranProtests2022 #مهسا_امینی 🇮🇷🦁 [Image description: An Iranian flag, made from untwisted skeins of yarn, with a lion toy in the center. Incidentally, the lion toy is the one that Jasmin uses for Project Cornerstone, an SEL program that teaches - among other things- empathy and being an upstander.]

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/Ci8I5xbJiTh/ I found out on Friday about the protests that have been going on in Iran. 🇮🇷🦁 These protests are the direct result of the assault that led to the death of 22 year old Mahsa Amini. 🇮🇷🦁 Because I know folx will be asking: we haven’t spoken to any of our family there; so for the time being we are assuming that no news (from them) is good news. 🇮🇷🦁 We will be sending out a post (via our Substack) about it later this week, but here are some excellent resources with what you can do today, tomorrow, and in the future: @ninaansary @nazaninboniadi @saharsanjar (I’ll be posting more in our stories as I come across them.) 🇮🇷 🦁 #FreeIran #MahsaAmini #IranProtests2022 #مهسا_امینی 🇮🇷🦁 [Image description: An Iranian flag, made from untwisted skeins of yarn, with a lion toy in the center. Incidentally, the lion toy is the one that Jasmin uses for Project Cornerstone, an SEL program that teaches - among other things- empathy and being an upstander.]

Friday, September 23, 2022

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The upside of limited energy; I’m walking juuuuust enough to break in my birthday (left) and Christmas (right) gifts from Mom. to line break

via Instagram The upside of limited energy; I’m walking juuuuust enough to break in my birthday (left) and Christmas (right) gifts from Mom. https://instagr.am/p/Civspxbv7li/

Hi, all. I’ve started getting concerned messages since it’s been almost a month since we’ve recorded. 🦠 I caught COVID on my way home from New York, and while I’m over the Covid, it’s not over me yet. So clingy and needy. 🦠 (Nobody else caught it; I isolated and masked at home.) 🦠 I’m dealing with extreme fatigue; I can take the kids to school, and then I need a long nap- that kind of fatigue. 🦠 We’re hoping to record later this week, since I’ve been feeling a bit better, but really, we’ll get back to the mics when I can manage to. 🦠 In the meantime, here’s a teaser photo of my @XandyPeters inspired Electric Mayhem Muppet coat. The yarn is all @TheLemonadeShop, except for the neon green, which is @LadyDyeYarns and @LaBienAimee. 🦠 #bipocknitters #knitting #BIPOCMaker #KnittersofInstagram #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #Knit

via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CivjQotvVVS/ Hi, all. I’ve started getting concerned messages since it’s been almost a month since we’ve recorded. 🦠 I caught COVID on my way home from New York, and while I’m over the Covid, it’s not over me yet. So clingy and needy. 🦠 (Nobody else caught it; I isolated and masked at home.) 🦠 I’m dealing with extreme fatigue; I can take the kids to school, and then I need a long nap- that kind of fatigue. 🦠 We’re hoping to record later this week, since I’ve been feeling a bit better, but really, we’ll get back to the mics when I can manage to. 🦠 In the meantime, here’s a teaser photo of my @XandyPeters inspired Electric Mayhem Muppet coat. The yarn is all @TheLemonadeShop, except for the neon green, which is @LadyDyeYarns and @LaBienAimee. 🦠 #bipocknitters #knitting #BIPOCMaker #KnittersofInstagram #IndieDyersOfInstagram #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #handknit #couture #Bespoke #Knit

Thursday, September 15, 2022

@sfmoma knows this gal likes to make an entrance, always. 🖼 #art #sfmoma #GlamourGoblin to line break

via Instagram @sfmoma knows this gal likes to make an entrance, always. 🖼 #art #sfmoma #GlamourGoblin https://instagr.am/p/CihNMsEuEhP/

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Genevieve: Mom! We’re all out of “f”s! Me: Art imitates life. Genevieve: 🙄 ✏️ Late in posting, but definitely worth it. ✏️ #FirstDayOfSchool ✏️ [Image Description: a three photo collage featuring the cutest boy in the world, with resplendent long brown locks and sparkly brown eyes, and a stunning little girl with an olive complexion, glasses, long dark brown hair, and devious dimples on the first day of the 2022-23 school year by themselves and together. ] to line break

via Instagram Genevieve: Mom! We’re all out of “f”s! Me: Art imitates life. Genevieve: 🙄 ✏️ Late in posting, but definitely worth it. ✏️ #FirstDayOfSchool ✏️ [Image Description: a three photo collage featuring the cutest boy in the world, with resplendent long brown locks and sparkly brown eyes, and a stunning little girl with an olive complexion, glasses, long dark brown hair, and devious dimples on the first day of the 2022-23 school year by themselves and together. ] https://instagr.am/p/CiM-O7YOhJi/