via Instagram https://instagr.am/p/Cw68tyKuzNf/ “…but the thing is, you can't use a half-loop stitch on china silk; it'll pucker.” - Philosopher Elle Woods 🪡 Doing the finishing on Mom’s gown from Sam’s wedding at a leisurely pace is so satisfying. 🪡 Pattern: McCall's M8141A5 Misses' High Neck Dress Sewing Patterns Kit, Design Code M8141, Fabric: Blackberry China Silk from @moodfabrics 🪡 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🪡 #BIPOCMaker #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #Bespoke #Sewing #SewistsOfInstagram #AndSewOn #Janome #SlowFashion #Sewist #Bespoke #Couture #TeamTrace #MoodFabrics #Silk #McCallsPatterns #NationalSewingMonth
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